Let’s go!

Hey there, I’m Linn. I’m from Switzerland but also part Norwegian. This year I’m going to go to school on a ship. The boarding school is called A+ Academy and the ship is a 64m long full rigger called SS Sørlandet.
With students from around the world we will sail around the globe. Excited about this journey and hope to update as often as I can. ⛵  shiff ahoy

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Hey there, I'm Linn. I'm from Switzerland but also part Norwegian. This year I'm going to go to school on a ship. The school is called A+ Academy and the ship is a 64m long full rigger called FS Sørlandet. With students from around the world we will sail around the world. Excited about this journey and hope to update as often as I can. ⛵ shiff ahoy

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